- Komfruitcha continues to launch with rave reviews!
- Stabilization procedures show success at room-temperature shelf stability
Komfruitcha: An Upcoming Revolution of Flavor and Nutrition
Spirochete Brewing launched with Komfruitcha as our flagship brand! While our intention always was and continues to be the creation of various product lines, it all began with the development of Komfruitcha. The first flavor, Atomic Apricot, took nearly a year and a half of continuous testing before it was ready for the public. We were confident that people would like it, but the feedback we have received as dramatically exceeded our wildest expectations!
From our soft-launch at Imprint Beer Co. in Hatfield PA, to recent pop-up style tasting sessions around the Collegeville area, we have received extremely positive feedback from a wide assortment of people across a broad demographic. From older, experienced beer drinkers, to younger college-age students who are trying new things to find their flavor, Komfruitcha seems to offer something for everybody. And we could not be happier to provide that product!
And continuing the onslaught of good news, our unique process of achieving shelf-stability has been incredibly successful thus far. Whether stored at room temperature, or refrigerated, Komfruitcha has been shown to be stable for months on end. So with that knowledge, we are excited to be able to launch more aggressively in the near future. Now that we can confirm longer-term stability of our amazing flavors, we can continue our mission to provide new and exciting products to all corners of the globe (and to a store near you!)!
As always, we would like to thank our patrons for their continued love and support, and we hope that you will continue this journey with us as we continue to expand, and develop the future of food!